Pick One Language for the Interview

You can use a language you are comfortable in to do the coding part of the interview, but for large companies, these are solid choices:

You need to be very comfortable in the language and be knowledgeable.

Read more about choices:

Here Google Trend Data. You can see which programming language are trend in India.

You'll see some C, C++, and Python learning included below, because I'm learning. There are a few books involved.

Programming Language Resources


[ANSI C Cheat Sheet] -Click here to download
Make, Clang (video) Harvard CS50 - GDB (video) Harvard CS50 - GDB (video) C Language Tutorials In Hindi Let Us C


C++ Reference -Click here to download
STL Quick Referance -Click here to download
C++ Tutorial C++ at Google (video) Google C++ Style Guide Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures (video) Review of C++ concepts in one video


Python Programming -Click here to download
Python In one video 4hr Faster Python (video) CPython internals(9 Video) Python For Absolute Beginners In Hindi (129 Video) Python - Data Structures & Algorithms (NPTEL) (45 Video) 10 Tips for Pythonic Code 100 Python InterView Questions & Answer


Java 14 Full Documentation -Click here to download
-Download Zip file then extract and run on local machin.
Java In one video 5hr Stanford University video tutorials (28 video)


JavaScript Tutorial In Hindi (66 video) JavaScript TUtorial in one video 3hr with 2 Project for your CV


HTML Tutorial for Beginners (28 video) HTML Crash Course 1hr Video


CSS Tutorial for Beginners (84 video) CSS Crash Course In One Vider 1hr CSS 3 Tutorial For Beginners: Learn CSS In One Video In Hindi